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Gretton Primary School

No Cooking Mini Rocky Road Cakes

An easy to prepare treat for children of all ages! The simple, quick and no cooking recipe, means that the children can help you make them. Fun to make and great to eat :)


Makes: 10 cakes
1 mug mini marshmallows
1 1/2 mugs chocolate buttons
1 mug broken digestive biscuits
1 mug sultanas
35g butter
Prep:5min  ›  Extra time:25min chilling  ›  Ready in:30min
Put the chocolate buttons and butter in a microwavable dish and heat in a mircowave for 35 seconds (or until melted). Remove from the microwave and mix well.
Place the sultanas, biscuits and mini marshmallows in a bowl with the melted chocolate and butter and mix well, so that everything is coated
All thats left to do, is to place the mixture in small 'blobs' onto a foil covered baking tray, ready to put into the fridge for about 20 mins (or until set).
Serving suggestion
You can add cherries and mess around with the amount of each ingredient, to suit your own tastes. There is no right or wrong way to do it, just the way you like it. The best thing about this, is the fact that any of the ingredients can be eaten at any point during the 5 mins it takes to prepare!

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