Ash Class Assembly
This week Ash Class held an assembly to showcase to parents and carers what they have been learning about over the last two terms.
This week Ash Class held an assembly to showcase to parents and carers what they have been learning about over the last two terms.
The children started off by telling the audience the tale of Christopher Columbus. Some of them read out letters they wrote to family as if they were Christopher Columbus. The children spoke about what life was like on the boat, the weather and the food.
The children then told parents all about the Artic and Antarctica and sang a song that helps you to remember the difference. They also spoke about the types of animals that live in these climates such as polar bears and penguins.
Principal Mrs Jane MacDonald said ‘The assembly was brilliant. We saw lots of geography, history, art, English and other subjects being combined which is wonderful to see. Thank you to all the parents and carers that came to watch, we hope you enjoyed it.’